10 Chocolate Recipes To Die For - Society19 UK (2024)

Heading to a dinner party or bake sale? Or just hungry for some chocolate but lost for where to start? Here are plenty of recipes to get you going, all guaranteed to satisfy that sweet tooth.

1. Triple Chocolate Cookies

These are my all-time favourite cookies and I make them for every occasion and for anyone who will let me. They are so luxurious and gooey. The big chunks of white and milk chocolate melt and stay melted even for days after (if you can make them last that long). The recipe is so simple to follow and they take no time at all to bake ( well, 10 minutes but that’s nothing really).


2. Bonfire Brownies

This is a fun twist on a campfire classic and is a great addition to any bake sale. There’s a layer of gooey brownie (with added walnuts and chocolate chips if you fancy), a delicious chocolate fudge icing. Finished with toasted mini marshmallows, it’s all the fun of smores without the sticky fingers.

3. Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

Chocolate Orange is one of my favourite chocolates and I can often be found with a chocolate orange by my side – particularly when I’m writing. This recipe combines mytwo loves, cake and chocolate orange. With rich buttercream and subtle notes of orange in the cake mix itself, if you are a fan of chocolate orange you’ll be a fan of these.

4. Vegan Chocolate Truffles

Finding chocolate recipes for vegans can definitelybe difficult but this recipe is not. Whilst there is a lot of preparationrequired, there is only a couple of ingredients needed for these truffles. You can make these time and time again, prep them the night before and leave them to refrigerate overnight and do the rest in the morning.


5. Malteser Tray Bake

Another favourite of mine is Maltesers! My aunties made these for me once and I’ve been hooked ever since. This tray bake is a bit like a jazzed up version of a rocky road but with the added malty goodness you get from a Malteser. There aren’t too many complicated baking techniques here either so it’s pretty much fool proof!

6. Mocha Chocolate Slab

This one is a bit of a cheat because it simply requires melting some white and dark chocolate and adding in some coffee beans of your choice – but sometimes the simplest recipes can be the most effective. These would be great in smaller chunks, wrapped in cellophane and gifted to someone.


7. Chocolate Chip Pancakes

A bit of chocolate with breakfast can never be a bad idea, one of the best ways to start the day in my opinion! A sprinkling of chocolate chips in some fluffy pancake batter is sure to be a hit if you have guests for breakfast or even if you have some extra time in the morning.


8. Brownie in a Mug

Sometimes you are just too tired to bake a full on cake or tray of brownies, you want chocolate and you want it now! I feel you – here is a great brownie in a mug recipe which I stand by. A dollop of vanilla ice cream on top of this when it’s hot out of the microwave is a great treat and it’s so quick and easy.

9. Chocolate Tart

This one is a dinner party favourite, so if you are hosting one or just going as a guest and want to help, this one is for you. The rich chocolate is complemented by flakes of sea salt and the buttery pastry. There’s plenty to share and it’s great with whipped cream or ice cream.


10. Easy Chocolate Mousse

This recipe is from the queen of baking herself, Mary Berry – so you really can’t go wrong. It requires surprisingly few ingredients and you can use the serving suggestions to class it up a bit, or just a bowl if it is just for you.


Are you a self- proclaimed chocoholic? Have you tried any of these delicious recipes for yourself? Have you got any recipes of your own that are staples in your life? Let us know below in the comments
Featured Image Source:https://www.flickr.com/photos/drakehotel/7039037441/

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10 Chocolate Recipes To Die For - Society19 UK (1)

Shelby Gibbs

Shelby Gibbs is an English Literature and Publishing student at Bath Spa University. Her hobbies include writing, baking and being absurdly organised. You can find her on twitter @shelby1999 and on Instagram @shelbypublishing. Any writing queries please DM me on either of these platforms.

10 Chocolate Recipes To Die For - Society19 UK (2024)


Why is chocolate so good? ›

When chocolate is in contact with the tongue, it releases a fatty film that coats the tongue and other surfaces in the mouth. It is this fatty film that makes the chocolate feel smooth throughout the entire time it is in the mouth.

How to use baking chocolate? ›

You can use baking chocolate in any recipe that calls for chocolate chips, a chocolate baking bar or melting chocolate. Just don't eat it straight out of the box unless you really like bitter chocolate; this chocolate has no sugar.

What does eating chocolate do to your body? ›

Increases heart health: The antioxidants in dark chocolate have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of clotting and increase blood circulation to the heart, thus lowering the risks of stroke, coronary heart disease and death from heart disease.

Is drinking chocolate good or bad for you? ›

Hot chocolate can be a comforting and delicious treat, but it is important to remember that, like other sugary foods, it is also high in calories, sugar, and fat. If consumed in moderation, hot chocolate can be part of a healthy diet as it provides some essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Why do you put baking soda in chocolate? ›

Baking soda in a chocolate mix not only counteracts the acid content in the baked cake but also improves the grain and colour of the cake. A darker and richer chocolate colour is produced if the acid level is sufficient to release all the carbon dioxide gas.

Why does Baker's chocolate have no sugar? ›

This means it's 100% chocolate (cacao) with no added sugar or flavor. It's sugar-free by design, as most recipes that call for unsweetened baking chocolate (also called bitter chocolate) are developed with the appropriate amount of sugar added to counteract its bitterness.

Can I use chocolate chips instead of baking chocolate? ›

In the case of chocolate chip cookies, though, you can definitely use them interchangeably. You'll notice the chocolate chips will be mostly be intact, while the chopped baking chocolate often melts into lovely little puddles of chocolate onto the cookie. Either way, you will almost always end up with a tasty treat!

Why do I feel so good after eating chocolate? ›

Cocoa beans include a compound called theobromine. While it has the anti-inflammatory properties responsible for some of the health benefits of chocolate, it is also a mild brain stimulant that acts in a similar way to caffeine. The mood boost it offers may also be partly responsible for how much we like chocolate.

Why do I love chocolate so much? ›

You see, chocolate has the ability to boost our levels of serotonin and endorphins, which promote feelings of happiness and pleasure in the brain. So, when we're feeling down or stressed, reaching for a square of dark chocolate could be considered a form of self-care.

Why is chocolate so addictive? ›

Eating chocolate increases levels of enkephalin, resulting in the need to consume more chocolates. Another reason behind chocolate's addictive potential is a stimulating chemical called theobromine. Theobromine, when combined with caffeine, has positive effects on a person's mood and also causes an aphrodisiac boost.

Why is chocolate so satisfying? ›

Thus, one of the reasons behind craving chocolate is the chemistry of the brain. For example, chocolates are known to contain phenylethylamine (PEA). And this is something that triggers the release of endorphins. Ultimately, the release of endorphins creates a pleasurable sensation – an experience of comfort.

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