Part P Course: Electrical Online Training (C&G 2393-10: Building Regs) (2024)

This qualification is specifically focused on the regulations detailed under ‘Part P’ in the government’s Building Regulations legislation. This specifically refers to stakeholders in the electrotechnical industry, and impacts significantly on electrical craft completed within domestic dwellings. Therefore, skills certifiers have deemed it necessary to develop a course exclusively dedicated to understanding these guidelines.

In early 2005, a substantial amendment was made to the Building Regulations documentation. The edit determined that electricians and domestic installers were required to gain a further appreciation of how their work may impact upon the welfare of a building’s inhabitants. Specifically, this meant understanding what measures needed be taken to mitigate against the threat of fire and electrical shock.

The Part P license

In order to support this endeavour, the government established the Part P licensing programme. This official certification demonstrates that an individual can deliver safe and compliant domestic electrical work. This scheme is open to both domestic installers and fully-qualified electricians. Domestic installers are empowered to conduct electrical works within residential contexts, but have a less developed skill-set than fully-fledged professionals. Although this slightly limits their scope of work, these individuals are still trained to conduct most electrical work required in the home. This includes the initial verification and periodic inspection of electrical installations, domestic re-wiring, and consumer unit replacement. Clearly, electricians are highly skilled tradesmen that can undertake a range of technical electrical disciplines.

Candidates hoping to successfully apply for a Part P license will need to demonstrate they have the suitable knowledge and capability to address works in respect of the Building Regulations. The Part P course supports them to do this, as it allows them to demonstrate their competency, awareness, and diligence in this field. It should be noted that there is a nominal, annual fee attached to the retention of this license. However, when offsetting this against the cost of delivering craft work without this accreditation, you can see that its far more financially advantageous to secure a license. More on this to follow.

Our focus

This article is concerned with presenting a detailed overview of the content, structure and format of the Part P course. There is also commentary of the qualification’s resultant assessment. Within the electrotechnical industry, there are a number of skills providers who offer certification in this field. However, this narrative will focus on the City and Guilds sponsored course. The City and Guilds (often referred to as C&G throughout this article), is a renowned training body that provides upskilling, support, and advice to electrical stakeholders. It also has a presence in a number of other commercial sectors. C&G qualifications are the most readily used by those who physically deliver electrical training. Therefore, it seems entirely logical to base any analysis on this course infrastructure. The City and Guilds qualification alluding to the Part P regulations is the C&G 2393-10 Level 3 Certificate in the Building Regulations for Electrical Installations in Dwellings.

Participant profiles

Those attending this course can be loosely categorized into three groups. These are prospective domestic installers, apprentices, and those undertaking ‘front-loaded’ training routes.

Domestic installers participate in this module as part of a crash course in electrical theory and practical application. Apprentices, who integrate collegiate, classroom-based learning with ‘real-world’ employment experience, attend this qualification as part of a fixed learning path.

‘Front-loaded’ delegates

Those engaged in ‘front-loaded’ training routes are independent of any ties to a specific programme or employer. Their pathway to becoming a fully-qualified electrician is entirely self-funded, and duration of training is dependent on personal circ*mstance. This time dynamic can apply to individual modules, and also their overall path to professional status. However, as the C&G 2393-10 is a relatively short course, the overwhelming majority of candidates will complete this qualification in the same timeframe. In other, more extensive modules, it’s often the case that ‘front-loaded’ learners will take more time to conclude their upskilling. This is because they may be tied to another job to preserve income, or have childcare commitments. Most learning providers are respectful of this reality, and will offer training plans which accommodate these individuals.

The progression towards more remote learning opportunities, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, has further added to this level of flexibility. Indeed, the C&G 2393-10 can be completed exclusively online. However, where possible, delegates are encouraged to embrace at least a hybrid training model, encompassing both in-person and virtual environments. Engaging, in the flesh, with tutors and like-minded piers, offers more opportunity for debate, interaction, and absorbing best practice.

In theory, domestic installers are in the same boat as ‘front-loaded’ trainers. Indeed, they are also entirely in charge of the speed and regularity of their training. However, their schemes tend to be packaged as quick-paced, intensive hits, with the entire learning usually concluding in one month. As front-loaded trainers cover more electrotechnical detail, their career route can take upwards of two years.

Course structure(s)

Within the C&G 2393-10 bracket, some learning providers offer provision for those with a higher experience level. This is likely to be established electricians, who have previously missed the opportunity to upskill themselves in this area of expertise. In this instance, course duration is appropriately shortened. As facilitators will expect delegates to have a strong base of electrotechnical knowledge, content will be relatively complex from the get-go.

For those approaching under the guise of one of the three profiles referenced earlier, course duration is approximately five days. In most cases, this provides an additional four days of coaching versus the condensed module for more experienced individuals. This schedule includes a 40-minute multiple-choice test when all training sessions have been concluded. More on this to follow.

There is a substantial bandwidth in costs between learning providers. Therefore, prospective attendees should research relevant facilitators accordingly, being careful not to sacrifice quality of tutoring for lower prices. Generally, course fees range between £650-£900 for the full, five-day module. Those engaging in a shorter course framework will likely be charged around £140-£180.

Domestic installation, and Building Regulations coverage

The extended version of this qualification is split into two main parts. Owing to the experience level of most attendees, the first four days of the course reviews some of the core skills involved in general domestic installation. This provides a platform for the final day of learning, which facilitates a full review of the detail, principles and physical application of the Part P guidelines. By studying technical installation tasks before the actual regulations, candidates can the correlate how this activity corresponds to the legislation more easily.

Domestic installation

The below list is a summary of the topics covered in the initial four days of the C&G 2393-10:

  1. How to accurately identify appropriate sources of technical information
  2. Acquiring an understanding of electrotechnical drawings, and how to apply these in practical situations. This includes developing an awareness of typical symbols incorporated into these types of drawings.
  3. Interpreting scaled diagrams into actual measurements for practical use.
  4. Gaining an understanding as to how various domestic installations operate. This includes, amongst other devices, fire and anti-theft alarms, cookers, data communications appliances, lighting systems, power and heating controls, and radial circuits.
  5. How to identify different types of earthing arrangements
  6. Acquiring an understanding of each component part of an electrical circuit or installation
  7. How to identify the function of a protective device
  8. Gaining an awareness as to when RCD (resistance current device) protection is required
  9. How to understand the degree of protection offered by an enclosure, through an awareness of the meaning and use of IP (Ingress Protection) ratings
  10. How to calculate the maximum demand of any given domestic instalment, and deliver works in respect of these numbers
  11. How to calculate the minimum current carrying capacity of a set of live conductors, and deliver works in respect of these numbers
  12. Acquiring an awareness of the various wiring zones present within domestic dwellings.
  13. Understanding the importance and requirement for appropriate electrical labelling
  14. Gaining an understanding of how to implement electrical installations in special locations located within domestic properties. This includes bathrooms, wet rooms, and, if your client is particularly wealthy, perhaps swimming pools and saunas!

Building Regulations

When these topics have been suitably navigated, delegates are then ready to receive tutoring on the detailed content of the Building Regulations. The last day is dedicated to the concepts listed below, and ensuring that all candidates sit the concluding multiple-choice assessment.

Final day themes:

1. Gaining a robust understanding of the scope, intentions, and format of the complete Building Regulations legislation

Local Authority Building Control considerations

2. Acquiring the capability to understand what works are determined to be notifiable (and therefore non-notifiable) in relation to informing the Local Authority Building Control (LABC) of anticipated activity.

N.B. Part P guidelines do not apply to every piece of electrical work conducted within a domestic property. The note above illustrates that the course will advise on when these occasions do and don’t exist. If scheduled works are subjected to the guidelines contained under Part P of the Building Regulations, then one of two avenues must be taken.

For those not on an approved government Part P licensing scheme, the Local Authority Building Control will need to be contacted. From here, regular communication between the two parties must be upheld. The LABC need to be engaged prior to commencing the task, offered progress reports, and then a collaborative sign-off process will ensue. Unfortunately, this endeavour can become quite protracted, expensive, and frustrating. Each stage is subject to potential delay, as electricians are ultimately reliant on responses from the LABC. Importantly, this can lead to client dissatisfaction, which may cause loss of earnings or credibility.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that a Part P license required. This demonstrates that an individual is sufficiently competent to plan, implement, and self-certify any works which coincide with Part P regulations. As referenced, license holders do incur a small, annual fee. However, this is negligible compared to the potential costs involved in relation to the LABC process, not to mention the potential financial toll of upsetting customers.

3. Gaining an awareness of relevant documentation used in the LABC approval process

4. Understanding the function of both the Local Authority Building Control, and the Approved Inspectors Building Control (alternative body who offer identical services to the LABC)

Industry compliance

5. Acquiring an understanding of how the Building Regulations are imposed and monitored in the electrotechnical sector.


The last obstacle is to sit a 40-minute, online, open-book multiple choice test. This consists of 20 questions, therefore permitting delegates two minutes per response. This provides more than ample time to complete the assessment.

City and Guilds multiple-choice questions are renowned for often requiring multiple calculations in order to arrive at the correct answer. Sometimes, this format of testing is perceived as a way to assess basic knowledge. However, the City and Guilds are keen to gauge how well delegates can apply theoretical understanding to scenarios that arise in the field. In this way, questions will often encourage individuals to work methodically through each possible scenario, using their grasp of electrotechnical theory, before landing on the correct answer through a process of elimination. Therefore, please don’t underestimate the difficulty level of this assessment!

The ‘open-book’ format

The ’open-book’ element refers to the ability to bring approved resources into the examination hall (or remote location where the test is being conducted). For this test, candidates are allowed to possess a copy of the ‘Electricians Guide to the Building Regulations’ This book does exactly what it says on the tin, and offers a detailed insight into the information presented within the full, Building Regulations legislation. Delegates should look to acquire a copy of this literature prior to the onset of their course, as it’s highly likely that this will be referenced extensively throughout your training.

One key watch-out here is how you deploy the authorised resource throughout the exam. Unfortunately, some examinees fall into the trap of over-use. This occurs when delegates ‘sense-check’ their responses, and cross-reference answers against the content of the respective material(s). Clearly, this is perfectly acceptable when digging out information you’ve either forgotten or are unsure on. However, for some, this almost becomes a self-grading exercise, and sees them unnecessarily checking answers on questions they’ve confidently responded to. This is a waste of energy, and could put you at risk of failing to complete your exam in time. If you’re relatively happy with your answer, then press on. You won’t receive any additional points for scoring your own paper!

Wave the flag!

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that all City and Guilds online multiple-choice tests are equipped with integrated flagging tool software. This means that if you find a question particularly challenging, you can flag it, and re-visit it at the end of the test. This acts as another driver towards preserving momentum, and allows you to make sure that absolutely every question is answered. This last point is important. You never quite know if that last-gasp guess will get you the mark you need to get over the line! The pass mark for this exam is 60%, which is an entirely achievable benchmark.

So, revise well, use your guide to the Building Regulations sparingly, and exploit the flagging tool. Do all this, and there’s every chance you’ll pass this exam with flying colours!


The C&G 2393-10 Level 3 Certificate in the Building Regulations for Electrical Installations in Dwellings is a substantial first step towards acquiring a Part P license. Once qualified as either a domestic installer or fully-fledged electrician, and a successful application is processed, you’ll have authorisation to complete electrical craft works without constantly referring back to the Local Authority Building Control (or Approved Building Inspectors Control)

The extended course format invites delegates to master some of the basic skills relating to domestic installation. Furthermore, it offers further tutoring on the associated electrotechnical theory. Therefore, it is heavily recommended that novices opt for the five-day course. If you’re an experienced electrician, it may be worth looking at learning providers who facilitate a more succinct, one-day course. Candidates will exit the module, regardless of its duration, with a firm grasp on the detail, execution and enforcement of the regulations. Participants will also acquire an understanding on the role of the LABC (and ABIC).

The resultant assessment can be navigated relatively comfortably, providing delegates prepare accordingly. On exam-day, aim to take heed of the advice given, and provide responses in a calm and controlled manner.

If you require any further support or information on this course, then please reach out to either an authorised tutor, industry professional, or, if viable, a Part P license holder. You can also review the relevant course page on the City and Guilds website, located here.

The C&G 2393-10 is an important step in your journey towards becoming a fully-qualified electrician, so its well worth attending this course.

We wish you the best of luck in this training module, and hope you pass its associated assessment!

Part P Course: Electrical Online Training (C&G 2393-10: Building Regs) (2024)


Is part P difficult? ›

Part P is not an exam. If your going for Part P compliance it is an assesment of your current skills and knowledge and if you haVe been working to BS7671 and abiding by them its a piece of cake. You don't need to know everything but know where to find and use info.

Can you do the 18th edition online? ›

This course is ideal for anyone who is looking to complete their learning from home, in their own time. With our 18th Edition online course you can complete your learning at your own pace at home, without the need to travel into our centre or take time off work.

Do I need part P if I have the 18th edition free? ›

Anyone wishing to carry out domestic electrical installations must first obtain a Part P certificate (as well as the 18th Edition qualification).

Why do you need Part P? ›

Part P was introduced in order to protect you from any form of electrical disasters and ensure only qualified tradespeople carry out electrical work in the home; this applies to those who have taken Part P courses as part of their qualifications.

Is there level 4 electrical installation? ›

C&G 2396 Electrical Design Course. This is a Level 4 Award in the Design and Verification of Electrical Installations.

What is the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 electrician? ›

The Level 2 qualification is designed for new entrants to the industry, providing them with the basic skills and experience they need. The Level 3 qualification is aimed at those who have already completed the Level 2 qualification or with some relevant experience and knowledge of the industry.

What is level 5 in electrical installation? ›

The goal of Electrician, Level 5 is to ensure the maintenance and safety of electrical installations. Electrician, Level 5 installs and operates electric installations in various buildings, facilities and external networks in which devices with AC voltage supply must not exceed a capacity of 1000 V...

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